Hi Jono, nice to meet you and thanks for the question.
I think it is a matter of preference, here. Your approach is completely valid. The only caveat is that you are exposing the ViewModel type and its initializer. Practically, the ViewModel must be `public`, its `init` must be public and all the internal types used by it.
In a modularized environment, this means increasing the API surface and it increases the risk of breaking change. You can read more about best practices when writing modules here: https://betterprogramming.pub/6-principles-to-write-better-modules-for-your-ios-applications-3257c26e5df2
To be more concrete, imagine that you decide to create another ViewModel for your view, with slightly different parameters which can be computed from the original ones. You will have also to change the composition root, because the VM.init signature has changed. With the approach I proposed, that will remain an implementation detail, internal to the View module. Does this make sense?
I'll be very happy to discuss the matter further if you have any doubt.
Have a nice day,